
Arina Antonova (b.1980 in Sevastopol) is an artist based between Spain and Switzerland. Her practice centers on sculpture and installations, using clay as the primary material. Antonova explores themes of the body, the female experience, power, and control, paying attention to food rituals and craft traditions connected to ceramics and food storage. These themes align with Antonova’s interest in cultural codes that construct gender and identity. Her experience of emigration has deepened her understanding of culture, mainly through food and local traditions, which has become a central element in her exploration of the body’s relationship to space and the social structures that shape it.

Antonova studied art history in St. Petersburg and Hamburg, focusing on archaeology and art history. After moving to Spain, Antonova discovered clay as the material that would become the foundation of her work for the last ten years. In 2016, Antonova opened her studio in Palma de Mallorca. She has since participated in numerous international exhibitions, showcasing her ceramic objects in Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, and most recently, the US. In 2022, she won second prize in the Modality of Traditional Ceramics in La Rambla, Spain, followed by a nomination for the Martinsons Award in Daugavpils, Latvia, in 2023. In 2024, Antonova contributed as a panel member at the Royal Danish Academy for the Knowledge Sharing Sessions: Crafting Change - Enhancing Innovation and Sustainability in European Ceramics.

2016 – 2019
Escuela Municipal de Cerámica, Traditional Wheel Throwing, Marratxí, ES

2007 – 2011
University of Applied Sciences,
Illustration / Animation, Hamburg, DE

2002 – 2006
University of Hamburg, Art History, Hamburg, DE

1998 – 2000
University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Art History / Archeology, St.Petersburg, RU

1990 – 1998
Artschool Sevastopol, Painting / Drawing / Sculpture, Crimea, UA

2022 / 2023
Bruckner Foundation City of Carouge, Geneva, CH

Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, ES

Nominated for the Martinsons Award 2023, Daugavpils, LV

Second prize winner in the Modality of Traditional Ceramics, La Rambla, Córdoba, ES

European Ceramic Context Triennale, Hjorts Fabrik, Bornholm, DK

Latvia Ceramics Biennale, Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, LV

Internation Ceramic Biennale, Talavera, ES

Selected Exhibitions
Variable Instructions, Space 776 Gallery, New York, US 

Abstracció Transversal, Centre Cultural Sa Mina, Lloseta, ES 

Call to Action, AAA Studio, Palma de Mallorca, ES 

Captured Stillness, Le Nouveau Vallon, Geneva, CH 

Martinsons Award International Exhibition, Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, LV 

Clay Canvas, Espace l’Aurore, Lausanne, CH 

Ceramiche Bestiale, VIII Concorso Ceramico Internationale, 

Museo dell’Arte Ceramica, Appignano, IT 

Bling-Bling? International Ceramic Competition, Musée de Carouge, Geneva, CH 

Enbarro, Museo de la Ceramica
La Rambla, Córdoba, ES 

1000 Vases, Superstudio Più, Milan Design Week, IT 

4. FATart Fair, Kammgarn, Schaffhausen, CH 

1000 Vases, Galerie Joseph, Paris, FR (Group)

Please feel free to contact me to enquire about collaborations and commissions. I speak english, deutsch, русский, español & français.

Arina Antonova Studio
visits by appointment only
07001 Palma de Mallorca